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EthicsFirst is a group of veterinary and non-veterinary professionals who share common concerns about related areas of companion animal clinical practice in which boundaries are being pushed to extremes:
Use of unproven interventions
Unregulated 'research' (including that to ostensibly advance One Health initiatives)
Overdiagnosis and overtreatment
Selective interpretation of "Recognised Veterinary Practice"

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We believe​ that
Independent and prospective ethical review should be a prerequisite for such extremes​
Extremes should be critiqued rather than sensationalised and associated use of financial facilities (e.g., insurance, crowdfunding) should be examined
The health and welfare of animals should always be prioritised in the course of ethical veterinary decision making
The recommendation for euthanasia to end an animal's suffering should be restored as an ethical, legitimate, effective and appropriate option
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Just because you can doesn't mean you should
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